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Authentic travel.and magazine

A few months ago during my working experience in South Africa, I went hiking all by myself in a Natural Reserve. I can still remember the moment when, while admiring the beautiful landscape, I started thinking about me, about my passions and what I wanted for my future. 

The following day, Authentic Travel.And was launched, my experiential tourism blog. Travel.And is all about travel storytelling, adventures around the world, feelings while moving to another country, tourism trends and new practices. 

Now, it's with excitement that I can announce the second step of the project which is called Authentic Travel.And Magazine and it's going to be out every end of the month. 

Analyse your passions and focus on them, there's nothing more satisfying than this!
Dream big, Act big.

Un numero che porta con sé una brezza di aria fresca, un pizzico di adrenalina e tanta natura!


A new issue that will bring some fresh air, a strong contact with nature and a bit of adrenaline!


Un nuovo numero ricco di scoperte in Italia per celebrare la penisola in tutta la sua bellezza! 


A new issue dedicated to new authentic discoveries in Italy to celebrate its beauties! 


Storie di persone nel mondo che hanno deciso di inseguire i loro sogni all'estero!


Stories of people that decided to make a change in their life and moved abroad.


Una riflessione sul turismo di domani e l'importanza di essere viaggiatori responsabili!


How will we travel tomorrow? Great tips and suggestion to be more responsible travellers


Andiamo alla scoperta di sapori e tradizioni culinarie in giro per il mondo!


Let's discover the importance of Food & Wine in modern travelling!


Il primo numero in italiano interamente dedicato alla mia Italia, ci rialzeremo più forti di prima!


I decided to bring you to my Italy through the discovery of out-of-the-beaten-track spots!


Let's travel together to Jordan, a genuine Country with a big heart. 


As every end of the year it's time to make a feedback and set the new goals! Best of 2019 & the city break to Marseille. 



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